Are You Ready to Build a Better Business?

Your website and blog are your most powerful marketing tools and their impact on your success cannot be underestimated. Together we’ll take an in-depth look at your website and blog, and identify the most important improvements you can make. We’ll discuss site structure and navigation, overall look, portfolio editing, bio and descriptive text, and leave you with a game-plan that will get you where you want to go.

4 hours - $950 - This package will be tailor made to suit your specific needs.


Just need a few tweaks in specific areas of your business? Pick and choose the topics you want to polish, then contact us to schedule our next available appointment. ($250 per hour includes a phone or Skype consultation and written follow-up recommendations)

Portfolio Editing: Seeing your work objectively can be one of the hardest tasks you have as a wedding professional. As curators of the best wedding photography in the world we can help you create a portfolio that sells itself, and gets you noticed by clients, editors, and other professionals in the wedding industry.

Persuasive Writing: Do you wish you had a fairy godmother to write your bio, website text, marketing materials and sales correspondence? We’re here, with wands at the ready, to help you create copy that will connect you with potential clients, showcase your distinctive style and book the weddings you're looking for.

Brand Cohesion: Ready to take a serious look at how you’re presenting yourself from every angle? We’ll discuss your visual brand identity, business model, pricing and packages, social media and editorial strategies, marketing materials, sales process and communication. Are they all working together to help you reach your goals? Let’s get them there!


Is there something else we can help you with? Drop us a note and let us know where you would like to begin. We're looking forward to hearing from you! [email protected]


"I cannot thank Christy Weber and Blair deLaubenfels enough. It has been 10 years since I have had business coaching myself. They have mapped a path for my new project and long time vision that exceeds my expectation."
- Sue Bryce, Beauty Photographer


"Having the opportunity to work with the Junebug team for several years has been such a pleasure! The beauty and integrity they bring to everything they do is evident for all to see. Junebug is a true treasure to our business".
- Dawn Bromander, Retail Director, Monique Lhuillier, Inc

"Thank you so much. This is the best description of my photography by far! " - Christie Pham, Photographer

"Wow! This is amazing. You tapped into my brand better than I ever have." - Alan Chitlik, DJ